Will your last wishes be known?

What is a Living Will

A Living Will is a healthcare advance directive that allows you to direct your end of life healthcare treatment. It is important you create this document while you are healthy and competent.  The document states what life-sustaining treatment you do or do not want to receive if you become terminally ill and are unable to speak for yourself.

If you have religious practices that you want to ensure are followed regarding end of life treatment, you will want to create a Living Will.

This document will allow you to have a voice and maintain dignity at the end of your life.

When a Living Will Goes In To Effect

This document only goes in to effect if two physicians have determined you are terminally ill.

Your Living Will Is A Personal Choice

A Living Will is regularly discussed during the estate planning process.  Spouses will often have differing opinions on their Living Wills, because it is such a personal document. Take the time to think about how you envision your end of life healthcare – it is not easy but very necessary to ensure your wishes are followed and to maintain family harmony.

What Happens Without a Living Will?

Without advance healthcare directives, loved ones may differ on your end of life healthcare treatment. Some family members may want to end treatment from ventilators, feeding tubes, etc. and other family members may not want to stop any treatment, this will lead to arguments and tension at an already difficult time for family members or significant others.  If you did not leave any clear guidance, a spouse and children disagreement may lead to a hospital board or court deciding your end of life treatment.

Cases That Impacted End of Life Treatment

Terri Schiavo

Nancy Cruzan

During your Empowering Estate Education Discussion we will review options for your Estate Plan. We want you to understand how a Living Will impacts how your final wishes are carried out.