Please use these tools to assist you throughout your case. Reach out with any questions.
Credit Counseling Agencies
Click here for the list of Credit Counseling Agencies offering the required course you must take BEFORE your bankruptcy case can be filed. A new window will open with a drop down menu, choose the state in which your bankruptcy will be filed, review the list of approved agencies, and contact the agency of your choosing.
If you provide the agency with our fax number 913-438-1113 a certificate of completion will be sent directly to our office.
If you have any questions about providers you can check your Bankruptcy Packet or additional information or give us a call.
FREE Credit Report
Click here for your free credit report. A new window will open allowing you to access your credit report online. This is a great resource to verify the debts that you owe.
You can receive your free credit report in the mail by calling 1-877-322-8228. You will need to allow 2 -3 weeks for delivery.
Tax Returns/Transcripts
It is necessary for us to have copies of all of your state and federal tax returns prior to filing your bankruptcy case. If you are filing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, we will need the last 2 years. If you are filing a Chapter 13, we will need the last 4 years.
Federal IRS Tax Documents:
Click here to request copies of your tax transcripts and returns. The Return Transcript option shows a copy of the information provided on your filed tax return for the chosen year. The Account Transcript option shows activity on your accounts, this information is especially important if determining what, if any, of your tax liability can be discharged in bankruptcy.
Kansas State Tax Documents Online Request:
Click this for an application to request copies of various Kansas tax documents. There is a portal fee. Review the necessary information and documentation needed.
Kansas State Tax Documents Paper Request:
This document will allow you to request copies of various Kansas tax documents through the mail.
Note: W-2’s must be ordered from your employer.
Missouri State Tax Documents:
The department retains individual income tax returns for four years after they are filed.
To request a copy of your return, complete and mail Form 1937 to:
Missouri Department of Revenue
P.O. Box 3022
Jefferson City, MO 65105-3022
OR Fax your request to (573) 526-1881
Click here to determine the current value of your vehicle, motorcycle, boat, RV, or manufactured home. You will need to accurately enter the vehicle information and provide our office with a print out of the valuation.
Bankruptcy Information Sheet & Disclosures Required by U.S. Code
Click here to review the Bankruptcy Information Sheet and Disclosures. These documents provide an overview of filing options, explain aspects of the bankruptcy process, and inform debtors of their obligations during bankruptcy.
Debtor Education Agencies
Click here for the list of Debtor Education Agencies offering the required course you must take AFTER your bankruptcy has been filed. A new window will open with a drop down menu, choose the state in which your bankruptcy case has been filed, review the list of approved agencies, and contact the agency of your choosing.
If you provide the agency with our fax number 913-438-1113 a certificate of completion will be sent directly to our office.
If you complete the course before your 341 hearing, your attorney will request your sign the required Form 423 at your hearing. If you complete the course after your 341 hearing, you will be responsible for returning the required Form 423 to our office.
Chapter 7 clients – your certificate of completion and Form 423 must be filed with the court within 60 days after your initial 341 hearing. To ensure we are able to receive the necessary documents and file the documents within the time limit, please plan on completing your debtor education course prior to the 341 hearing.
Chapter 13 clients – your certificate of completion and Form 423 must be filed with the court before your final plan payment or before a Motion Requesting Hardship Discharge.
Chapter 13 Post-Filing
Chapter 13 Payments:
Kansas Clients:
Mail in Chapter 13 Payment (with your case #) to:
William H. Griffin, Chapter 13 Trustee
P.O. BOX 412573
Kansas City, MO 64141-2573
Pay by using Kansas TFS system by signing up.
TFS Bill Pay is an approved alternative to the use of Personal Checks, Cashier’s Checks and Money Orders by using your Checking or Savings Account to make direct payments to the Trustee. TFS Bill Pay allows for scheduled withdrawals as well as one time payments. This payment system works in conjunction with the Trustee’s bank to provide a verifiable, trustworthy, and more convenient payment option.
Missouri Clients:
Mail in Chapter 13 Payments (with your case #) to:
Richard V. Fink, Chapter 13 Trustee
PO Box 1839
Memphis, TN 38101-1839
Online Chapter 13 MO Payments:
Pay using using Missouri TFS system by signing up.
Pay using Missouri EPay system by signing up.
All Chapter 13 Clients: make sure you stay up to date with your case information. Set up an account with It is quick, easy and free. It allows you to know when the Trustee has money on hand and when your Creditors are being paid.
Write a Review
If you are pleased with the service you have received from our office, we encourage you to write a review letting others know your Kansas City bankruptcy attorneys handled your case efficiently, professionally, and knowledgeably. We would love for others to know that you are happy with our friendly service and casual office.