I decided to choose a name for my law practice that represents memories; happiness; beauty in everyday life; the ability to flourish, grow and change; and most importantly represents me.
Bloom noun: a period of flowering
Bloom noun: a state or time of high development or achievement
Bloom verb: to mature into achievement of one’s potential
I could have gone with the standard law practice name – Pfannenstiel Legal Advisors, LLC – that just did not feel like me or the law practice I wanted to be a part of day in and day out. I wanted a name that reminded me of how I have changed throughout my life and career and let my clients know they are able to make positive, informed, choices that will help change their lives and the lives of their loved ones. The actions I take every day and the actions my clients take every day, are so we live our best lives.
Bloom also represents my deep appreciation for flowers, nature, and spending time outside. My interest in flowers started as a 4-H member in Hays, Kansas. We did not live on a farm, so for the annual summer fairs I entered my hamster Einstein, photography, and floriculture. My dad would help me raise flowers to enter for judging each year – my favorite then and now are Zinnias.
My dad loved to garden and would show me around his flowers, trees, and bushes. Once I was a homeowner, I was ready to experiment with more plants. I happily will show anyone who visits my house my flowers, plants, and share upcoming flower plans. The time I spend outside weeding, watering, planting, and admiring is my chance to slow down and clear my mind. The time also reminds me of Dad.
During the winter I am planning for spring and summer and trying, not always so successfully, to grow different houseplants.